Data Structures

Stacks, Queues, and Trees

Read about stacks and queues in Python here:

In essence, we want to use arrays for stacks as popping off the end of the array is O(1), while we want to use deque from collections to implement a queue as it has fast popping off the front and end

import timeit
from collections import deque

num_elements = 100000

test_list = list(range(num_elements))
test_deque = deque(range(num_elements))

def pop_front_list():
    while test_list:

def pop_front_deque():
    while test_deque:

def pop_back_list():
    while test_list:

def pop_back_deque():
    while test_deque:

# timing 
time_pop_front_list = timeit.timeit(pop_front_list, number=1)
time_pop_front_deque = timeit.timeit(pop_front_deque, number=1)
time_pop_back_list = timeit.timeit(pop_back_list, number=1)
time_pop_back_deque = timeit.timeit(pop_back_deque, number=1)

print(f"Time to pop all elements from the front of the list: {time_pop_front_list:.5f} seconds")

print(f"Time to pop all elements from the front of the deque: {time_pop_front_deque:.5f} seconds")

print(f"Time to pop all elements from the back of the list: {time_pop_back_list:.5f} seconds")

print(f"Time to pop all elements from the back of the deque: {time_pop_back_deque:.5f} seconds")
>>> print(f"Time to pop all elements from the front of the list: {time_pop_front_list:.5f} seconds")
Time to pop all elements from the front of the list: 0.93451 seconds

>>> print(f"Time to pop all elements from the front of the deque: {time_pop_front_deque:.5f} seconds")
Time to pop all elements from the front of the deque: 0.00246 seconds

>>> print(f"Time to pop all elements from the back of the list: {time_pop_back_list:.5f} seconds")
Time to pop all elements from the back of the list: 0.00000 seconds

>>> print(f"Time to pop all elements from the back of the deque: {time_pop_back_deque:.5f} seconds")
Time to pop all elements from the back of the deque: 0.00000 seconds

Trees are explained here:

The core of it is that a tree is implemented as a class Node that has and self.children = [].

class Node:
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.children = []
    def add_child(self, child):
    def __repr__(self, level=0):
        the __repr__ method is overwritten so that when 
        one just prints out a tree, it's nicely formatted.
        ret = "\t"*level + repr( + "\n"
        for child in self.children:
            ret += child.__repr__(level+1)
        return ret

# Create the root node
root = Node('Root')

# Create child nodes
child1 = Node('Child1')
child2 = Node('Child2')
child3 = Node('Child3')

# Add children to the root

# Create and add children for child1
child1_1 = Node('Child1_1')
child1_2 = Node('Child1_2')

# Create and add a child for child2
child2_1 = Node('Child2_1')

# Add a single child to child3 (who is not yet connected to the tree)
child3_1 = Node('Child3_1')

# Now let's add child3 to the root to complete the tree

# Print the structure of the tree

Read about red-black trees here:

And AVL trees here: