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A famous example of a statistical inference problem where a faster than n\sqrt{n} rate of convergence is possible is that of inferring the θ\theta parameter in a Uniform(0,θ)\mathrm{Uniform}(0, \theta) model.

We will show how a moments based estimator converges slower than an order statistic based estimator empirically using Simulacron3.

For our first estimator, we will take θ̂n,moments=3ni=1nXi2. \hat{\theta}_{n,\,\text{moments}} = \sqrt{\frac{3}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n X_i^2}.

Our second estimator will be θ̂n,max=n+1nmaxi1,...,n|Xi| \hat{\theta}_{n,\,\mathrm{max}} = \frac{n+1}{n} \max_{i\in 1,...,n} |X_i|


# we can fix a true value or even set it to be random as long as we record it.
theta <- 10

# here's our data generating process (dgp):
unif_dgp <- function(n) {
  runif(n = n, min = 0, max = theta)

# here are our two candidate estimators that we want to compare across simulations
estimator1 <- function(x) {
  sqrt(3/length(x) * sum(x^2))
estimator2 <- function(x) {
  (length(x)+1)/(length(x)) * max(x)

# our summary is just going to be to retrieve the estimators from each simulation
summary_func <- function(iter = NULL, est_results, data = NULL) {
    estimator1 = est_results$estimator1,
    estimator2 = est_results$estimator2)

# setup our simulation
sim <- Simulation$new()
sim$set_estimators(list(estimator1 = estimator1, estimator2 = estimator2))

# setup a data frame to store results in across sample sizes
results <- list()

# run the simulation over a variety of sample sizes
sample_sizes <- c(10, 30, 100, 300)
results <- Simulacron3::run_simulation_study(sim, sample_sizes)

# combine our results together and pivot for ggplot2
results <- results |>
    cols = starts_with('estimator'),
    values_to = 'estimate',
    names_to = 'estimator'
# produce a nice ggplot2 of the simulation results
results |>
  mutate(estimator_name = case_when(
    estimator == 'estimator1' ~ c(bquote(hat(theta)[1])),
    estimator == 'estimator2' ~ c(bquote(hat(theta)[2]))
  )) |>
    x = factor(sample_size),
    y = estimate,
    color = estimator,
    shape = estimator
  )) +
    position = position_jitterdodge(dodge.width = .35, 
                                    jitter.width = .10),
    alpha = .7) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.color = NA,
               alpha = 0.5,
               width = .35) +
  theme_bw() +
    palette = 'Set2', 
    labels = c(estimator1 = bquote(paste(hat(theta)["n, moments"])), 
               estimator2 = bquote(hat(theta)["n, max"]))) +
    labels = c(estimator1 = bquote(paste(hat(theta)["n, moments"])), 
               estimator2 = bquote(hat(theta)["n, max"]))) +
  ggtitle("Comparison of Estimators",
          "100 simulations at each sample size were performed") +
  labs(x = "Sample Size", y = "Estimate")  + 
  theme(legend.position = 'bottom')

We can see that we were right to expect from theory that estimator2 or θ̂n,max\hat{\theta}_{n,\, \text{max}} would converge quite a bit faster than estimator1 or θ̂n,moments\hat{\theta}_{n,\, \text{moments}}.