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We try to cover some anticipated frequently asked questions here.

I want to use super_learner() for binary outcomes.

We’ll use the Boston dataset and create a binary outcome for our regression problem.

And of course, we’ll train a super_learner() to these binary outcomes.
To handle binary outcomes, we need to adjust the method for determining weights. This is because we don’t want to use the default mse() loss function, but instead we should to rely on using the negative log likelihood loss on the held-out data. To do this appropriately in the context of binary data, we use the determine_weights_for_binary_outcomes() function provided by nadir.

data('Boston', package = 'MASS')

# create a binary outcome to predict
Boston$high_crime <- as.integer(Boston$crim > mean(Boston$crim))
data <- Boston |> dplyr::select(-crim)

# we need a bit more precision in how we call randomForest for binary outcomes
lnr_rf_binary <- function(data, formula, ...) {
  model <- randomForest::randomForest(formula = formula, data = data, ...)
  return(function(newdata) {
    predict(model, newdata = newdata, type = 'prob')[,2]

# train a super learner on a binary outcome
trained_binary_super_learner <- super_learner(
  data = data,
  formulas = list(
    .default = high_crime ~ .,
    rf = factor(high_crime) ~ .),
  learners = list(
    logistic = lnr_glm, # for a logistic model, use glm + extra family arguments below
    rf = lnr_rf_binary,  # random forest
    lm = lnr_lm), # linear probability model
  extra_learner_args = list(
    logistic = list(family = 'binomial')
  determine_super_learner_weights = nadir::determine_weights_for_binary_outcomes,
  verbose = TRUE

# let's take a look at the learned weights
#>     logistic           rf           lm 
#> 1.000000e+00 2.691182e-16 4.748858e-20

# what are the predictions? you can think of them as \hat{P}(Y = 1 | X).
# i.e., predictions of P(Y = 1) given X where Y and X are the left & right hand
# side of your regression formula(s)
#>            1            2            3            4            5            6 
#> 2.220369e-16 2.220386e-16 2.220375e-16 2.220392e-16 2.220395e-16 2.220400e-16

rm(data) # cleanup

I want to use super_learner() for count or nonnegative outcomes.

In principle, you can use super_learner() for whatever type of outcomes you want as long as a few things hold:

What are the limitations of nadir::super_learner()?

There are a few key limitations of the design.

  • Because learners (see ?learners) are understood to be functions that take data, a formula and return a prediction function, there is little to no ability (outside of manually following along with the internals of a learner) to check on the internals of learner fits.
    • That is to say, if you want to peek into the beta coefficients or other fit statistics of a learner, this is not supported in nadir::super_learner() by design. The reasoning is that an explicit goal of nadir is to keep learner objects lightweight so that building a super_learner() can be fast.
  • So far, no thought has been put into complex left-hand-sides of regression equations. There is no support for left-hand-sides that are not just the name of a column in the data passed. The advice for now if you want to model some transformation of the Y variable is to apply the transformation and store that in the data with a column name and to use that new column name in your regression formula(s).
    • As an explicit subpoint to call attention to, this means so far, no work has been put into supporting survival type outcomes.
  • So far, everything in nadir assumes completeness (no missingness) of the data.

What if the learner that I want to write really isn’t formula based?

A solution for such a case is to more-or-less ditch the formula piece of a learner entirely, just treating it as an unused argument, and for your custom needs you can always build learners that encode details of the structure of your data.

data <- matrix(data = rnorm(n = 200), nrow = 20)
colnames(data) <- paste0("X", 1:10)
data <- cbind(data, data %*% rnorm(10))
colnames(data)[ncol(data)] <- 'Y'

lnr_nonformula1 <- function(data, formula, ...) {
  # notice by way of knowing things about our data structure, we never reference
  # the formula;  so if you truly don't want to use it, you don't have to.
  # as an example, here we do OLS assuming inputs are numeric matrices — 
  # this might even be computationally more performant given how much extra
  # stuff is inside an lm or glm fit.
  X <- as.matrix(data[,grepl(pattern = "^X", colnames(data))])
  Y <- as.matrix(data[,'Y'])
  model_betas <- solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% Y
  learned_predictor <- function(newdata) {
    if ('Y' %in% colnames(newdata)) {
      index_of_y <- which(colnames(newdata) == 'Y')[[1]]
    } else {
      index_of_y <- NULL
    if ( {
      newdata <- as.matrix(newdata)
    as.vector(t(model_betas) %*% t(newdata[,-index_of_y, drop=FALSE]))

# this is essentially a re-implementation of lnr_mean with no reference to the formula 
lnr_nonformula2 <- function(data, formula, ...) {
  Y <- data[,'Y']
  Y_mean <- mean(Y)
  learned_predictor <- function(newdata) {
    rep(Y_mean, nrow(newdata))

learned_super_learner <- super_learner(
  data = data,
  learners = list(
    nonformula1 = lnr_nonformula1,
    nonformula2 = lnr_nonformula2),
  formulas = . ~ ., # it doesn't matter what we put here, because neither 
  # learner uses their formula inputs. 
  y_variable = 'Y',
  verbose = TRUE

# observe that the OLS model gets all the weight because it's the correct model:
round(learned_super_learner$learner_weights, 10) 
#> nonformula1 nonformula2 
#>           1           0

rm(data) # cleanup

So you can see from the immediately prior code snippet, if you have some niche application where you would like to avoid using the formulas argument to nadir::super_learner() at all, you can do this by taking advantage of what you know about how you’re going to structure the data argument.